Sunday, November 18, 2007

Classroom Blogging

I've always thought that blogging was a useful tool. As I said in my first entry, I've been a long time personal blog user. At one time, I posted in my personal blog once a week. Now I'm not quite so regular due to time constraints.

Classroom blogging is useful for students, teachers and parents to share their thoughts and ideas about specific issues in education. For example, I might post a quotation in my blog and have students and parents comment on what they think it means and its value in their own lives. Perhaps I will take an issue from the local newspaper, possibly an editorial and post about it in my blog. I would invite students, parents and other teachers to comment on the issue with their own thoughts and feelings.

New Digs

Welcome! I've have/had blogs in the past and I've used them for various things. My favorite use is to keep in touch with friends who live all over the country. It's by far the easiest way I've found to keep up with their lives and for them to keep up with mine. These days it's so difficult to find time to email and/or call all those people I want to keep in touch with.

I'm glad to be able to use some prior knowledge in my professional life. I hope this will be a productive and useful blog, not only to myself, but also to others.